Braces Taunton: Get the Perfect Smile from a Plymouth Office

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Getting orthodontic treatment is an optimal choice for a healthier, more attractive smile. However, it requires a variety of compliance factors such as maintaining the appliance, diet adherence, and regular braces appointments. For this reason, patients in Taunton looking to get Braces Taunton need to find a reliable provider near them for easy access to braces care and follow-up visits.

While most patients in Taunton may immediately look for an orthodontic practice in the city, excellent care is also available from a convenient location in Plymouth. Situated within a short drive from the city, braces treatment with Plymouth Orthodontics can offer the perfect smile you want with significantly less travel and wait times.

Advantages of Choosing a Conveniently Located Orthodontist

Shorter Travel Time

As you may know, orthodontic treatment requires a patient to make regular visits to the orthodontist. For traditional braces, that usually means every month or so. For Invisalign, that could mean every six to eight weeks. With braces Taunton from Plymouth Orthodontics, patients can save time by not having to drive a long distance to visit the orthodontist.

Braces TauntonShorter Waiting List

Taunton is a large city with many brace patients, so waiting lists for orthodontic care can be long. With braces in Plymouth, you may find that you have access to services much faster than if you are trying to get braces from a Taunton orthodontist. Plus, having dedicated care from an office with fewer patients could mean more personalized care and faster treatment times.

Better Access for Emergency Visits

Unexpected braces issues can happen, such as broken braces brackets, or wires that need immediate attention. With braces from Plymouth Orthodontics, patients in Taunton have the benefit of having a provider close by if an emergency arises.

Family Orthodontic Services in One Location

In addition to braces Taunton, Plymouth Orthodontics provides a full range of orthodontic care and monitoring for the whole family. This includes braces for adults and braces for children, as well as Invisalign clear braces and other orthodontic treatments such as TMJ/TMD therapy.


Orthodontic treatment rates vary from provider to provider, so it’s important to do your research and compare braces Taunton prices. Larger urban offices may charge higher fees than orthodontists located in less populated areas. It’s important to compare braces Taunton prices from various orthodontic practices to make sure you are getting the best care for your budget. At Plymouth Orthodontics, we offer flexible financing options and accept all major insurance and credit card providers to help patients manage the cost.

Types of Braces Available

If braces Taunton are what you’re looking for, you need to discover all your options as modern orthodontics has come a long way. Some of the options available at Plymouth Orthodontics include traditional braces, clear braces, and Invisalign.

Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most popular braces in use today and they hold that title for a good reason. They are used to correct a wide range of issues, from minor to complex malocclusion. This braces option comprises metal brackets and wires placed on the teeth and adjusted to help them move into the right position. They are also the most cost-effective type of braces.

Clear Braces

Clear braces are a great choice if you want braces that look more visually pleasing. These braces use ceramic brackets and wires instead of metal, making them less noticeable than traditional braces. They are also just as effective at correcting minor to more complex issues and also require periodic adjustments to administer movement.


Invisalign are a popular treatment choice for adults and teenagers who don’t want to attract attention to their teeth with brackets and wires. This option uses clear plastic aligners that are custom fitted to your teeth. These aligners are removable, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene and eat comfortably. Invisalign offers shorter treatment times, fewer orthodontic visits, and a more comfortable appliance to wear.

Tips for Choosing an Orthodontist

While the location is a huge factor, there are many other things to consider in choosing an orthodontist too. Unlike most dental procedures that are done in a day or two, braces treatment can take months or even years. Therefore, it’s important that you find an orthodontist who has the right qualifications and a good reputation. They make all the difference in creating a positive treatment experience for you.

To find the right braces Taunton specialist, here are some tips to consider:

  • Ask your family and friends for referrals.
  • Check the qualifications of the braces specialist.
  • Look for reviews online and read them carefully.
  • Consider their office location and service costs.
  • Make sure the braces Taunton specialist offers a broad range of treatment options.
  • Check to see if the braces specialist provides emergency care in case you require it.
  • Schedule a consultation to get an idea of their office and the services they provide.

Consult Dr. Karla Alvarado in Plymouth Today

Braces TauntonDr. Karla Alvarado is a celebrated orthodontist in Plymouth. Her extensive education and experience make her the go-to specialist for braces and orthodontic care. She offers a variety of braces options, from traditional to Invisalign, and is committed to helping you get the perfect smile and healthy teeth.

Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Alvarado if you want to get a complimentary consultation and a quote for your treatment. We look forward to helping you get the best treatment at the most convenient and comfortable way.